How can we improve our well-being?

Well-being is a state that we all strive more or less to achieve. It is directly related, in different proportions depending on the individual, to several factors in our personal life. First of all our pleasure of course, our health, our comfort, our material success, to self-realization, and finally to harmony with ourselves, other individuals and our environment. We can differentiate between physical well-being and psychological well-being.
  • Physical well-being refers to general physiological health and the satisfaction of the body's essential needs.
  • Psychological well-being is a more subjective personal component.
This distinction reminds us of the still current Latin motto "Mens sana in corpore sano", to us who aspire to well-being, during the more rational or just first stage of access to happiness. It is therefore advisable to take advantage of the accessible levers to take care of one's health, and to improve one's mind and quality of life. For if some factors are difficult to control, such as social success for example or the success of a love relationship, others are quite within our reach: Taking care of our health by paying attention to our nutrition, our sleep and our living space. Avoid stress, create a direct environment conducive to psychological balance, by taking care of your decoration, ensuring a good arrangement of furniture, choosing your household linen, etc... We will therefore see together in this guide everything we can do to improve our daily well-being.

A healthy interior for your well-being

The well-being of each person is therefore their psychological and physiological well-being. For the latter, the direct environment will play a major role in a person's health and therefore their quality of life. It is therefore necessary to take care of the place in which we spend a large part of our time, the place where we live, so as not to expose ourselves to harmful elements. These domestic threats take many forms, from parasites and dust to the very composition of our household products... All this causes more or less irreversible health problems, such as allergies, respiratory diseases, etc... Each of these sources of problems needs to be addressed to ensure a healthy home and maximum well-being in one's living space.

Getting rid of dust mites

Dust mites exist everywhere in our living spaces, even in the cleanest interiors. Being microscopic, they have the unfortunate tendency to trigger allergic reactions in some people. Sneezing, itching, this allergy can deal a serious blow to your daily well-being, but also in the long term to your respiratory health with the development of polyps for example. There are several ways to reduce their number or simply make them disappear, and you will often have to combine them. High temperatures (over 55°C), acaricides, reducing humidity and heating the room. It will also be necessary to get rid of mite "niches" such as cushions or stuffed animals.

Allergies, poisons of your daily well-being

The allergy being a hyper-reaction of the immune system. Our immune defenses, our antibodies are there to wage war on the bacteria. If the immune system gets too excited, it will produce antibodies against elements that are not necessarily threats such as peanuts or pollen. As a remedy, first of all, you should consult a doctor for a diagnosis. Antihistamines for emergency and desensitization, on a longer term basis, are among the solutions.

Health and the proliferation of fungi

The development of plant fungi or mycoses in our homes often boils down to the proliferation of moulds, these microscopic fungi that thrive in dampness and spaces that are not properly ventilated, can become a nightmare and invade a building. They cause wood to rot, can damage the structure of the habitat and, above all, are a danger to your health and well-being. They cause illnesses and allergies, the most affected people are, as is often the case, people who are fragile from a respiratory or immune point of view (the elderly, pregnant women, babies, asthmatics...). To control these fungi, there is of course the solution of applying a fungicide. You can buy it commercially, or you can even make your own natural fungicide. For what is commonly known as saltpetre on walls, there will be various treatments, it is up to you to see which one is the most appropriate depending on the situation.

Toxic products in everyday life

Our well-being is tested daily by our consumption habits. Indeed, if we are not careful, we do not realize that we are surrounded by consumer goods containing toxic products for our body, with its share of short-term allergic reactions, and more serious illnesses such as cancer in the long term. Whether it is the toxic fumes from our bed linens, which we breathe in every night, or our children's toys made of toxic plastics. Cleaning products are also a very good example. In advertisements and in supermarkets, we are offered household products that are extremely effective, but above all extremely toxic for humans and the environment. Fortunately, there are a large number of 100% natural substitutes, from grandmother's recipe for baking soda to organic household products. All these invisible threats require consumer awareness to avoid endangering their health on a daily basis and lastingly affecting their well-being and physical integrity.
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Tips for well-being, health and being in great shape!

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