Aventurine natural stone jewelry

The virtues of stones in lithotherapy have been recognized by a large number of experts in recent years. Indeed, the different emotions and diseases that parasitize our lives can be cured by crystals and rocks. In this article, it is about aventurine, its uses and its various properties for the human species.

The Stone of Adventure in Crystal Therapy

Crystal therapy is defined as a natural healing approach using crystals, minerals and stones of different shapes and colours. Each of these natural elements contains certain attributes that are beneficial to the body and spirit. Its goal is to relieve problems and imbalances by acting on its specific energy field. The crystallotherapy method is ideal to awaken and promote the normal flow of their internal energy. Each stone, mineral or crystalline, has its own energetic vibration, capable of resonating in contact with our body. Check www.minerals-kingdom.com/ and learn further more information about natural stones properties. For proper therapeutic functioning, there must fundamentally be a strong desire for personal growth. There are different techniques for the use of stones in crystal therapy, whether in temporary, remote or constant contact with the body. Many therapists use this method in relation to the chakras and other energy particles.

Use of aventurine for the psyche

Today, formations of green aventurine are scattered all over the planet as in Chile, Brazil, Russia, India, Tanzania, Australia. Thanks to its exceptional hardness and its forging qualities, aventurine is used in the composition of tools and jewellery made of natural stones. It is possible to meet various imitations of it. The stone is widely used in lithotherapy. It is called "Stone of Fortune". It works as a real lucky charm for human beings. It is able to strengthen the sense of self and offer a positive perspective to those who wear it. Its green colour is a symbol of purity and healing, for those who follow a simple life or for those who want to find their inner peace. This stone is associated with the planet Mercury and belongs to the sign of Cancer, but also to the influences of Taurus and Sagittarius. It enables one to detach oneself from inoperative life habits. In this way, one can finally develop and progress, to finally discover the pleasure of living one's profession to the fullest. Renewal thus becomes an accomplice, ally and friend, although it may intimidate you at first. It absorbs electromagnetic pollution and provides protection against such nuisances. To protect yourself against radiation, it is possible to keep the green aventurine close to your mobile phone and computer. Wearing jewellery made of natural aventurine stone brings peace, serenity and self-confidence to life. The properties of such stones can help eliminate negative factors such as anxiety, fear and discomfort, restoring optimism and positivity.

How to use and maintain it?

Used in its raw state, aventurine is also intended for the creation of pendants, bracelets, rings, or amulets to adorn for example vases, engravings, etc.. It is frequently worn on jewellery made of white metal, such as platinum and white gold, since yellow gold slightly extinguishes its brilliance. To get the most out of its properties, it comes into direct contact with the skin. It can be associated, as an ornament, with other jewellery. It must be purged and cleaned each time it is used under a delicate stream of running water. Prolonged overexposure to sources of intense heat should be constantly avoided, as this could damage it. Reiki also allows it to be charged. Furthermore, it should be remembered that as far as the use of the stones and the methods of crystal therapy are concerned, it is generally good to consult an expert or a known and certified professional, and in case of serious illnesses, consulting a doctor first is always the best solution.
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